Beautiful Day

Why do we make life so hard?
Make your bed each morning
with anticipation of a beautiful day.
Do you hear birds crying at sunrise?
Do kittens wake up with sorrow
best forgotten?

Dress your face with a smile
and create the day that you
would like to have.
It is your choice, you know!

Photo courtsey of:


  1. Thank you Pat for the reminder… My cat wakes up every day jumping around my bed exciteds to start playing… If only we look for wisdom in God’s creations… hugs, Sam.


    • Sam, it is so true that we can learn so much from our animals. I certainly learned what unconditional love is from a very special dog named, “Cleo.” Thanks for your words. hugs, pat


    • Dearest Sara, with or without a smile, you are always stunning. I miss your bathroom photography! lol
      thanks, as always, for your faithful visits here. hugs, pat


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