Pat’s Ponderings –Reincarnation?


Although I was not raised in a religion that believes in reincarnation, it seems like a reasonable possibility, especially when mixed with the idea of karma, which, one would hope, would bring ultimately justice to the world. At the same time, the idea of having to come back again and again is terrifying to me.

I’ve had a remarkable life, a good life, a hard life. I am finally at peace now, able to live each day to its fullest. Yet there were times when this was not so.

As I look at the wars, destruction of our Earth, the greed, hunger for power, drugs, increasing crime and brutality, I hope there is no such thing as reincarnation that I must come back to this world gone mad.

Still, I have hope, for there are many good people working for change, for peace. I also have an innate belief in the power of love, the existence of a Power greater than all.

I also believe we must each do our part…surely seven billion people focused on making the world a better place can change the destruction all around us. Let it begin with me…then you! Amen to that, Dear Ones.


    • Many believe that we are always with the same soul families but change roles, even sexual identities. It is an interesting idea. It is lovely, though, your wish to always be with the same family. There are many who do not feel this way. hugs, pat

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  1. Beautiful photo, and a very nice post. I figure that statistically, there exists multiple universes and parallel universes, so there are influences among us all that we will never be able to understand ~ yet poetry, peace and love can bring us closer (and hopefully achieved at some point…).

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  2. Great post! I actually do believe in reincarnation, but to be honest I never thought of what I would be coming back to. For some reason I always thought it would easier and better as hopefully I have made progress in this life. šŸ™‚

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