

Move, turn, step, twist
we sit in cubicles, cars
in front of TVs
hours on end
our spines protesting
bellies and bottoms enlarging
a generation of chairs
we’ve become
the poster child
for obesity.

Add industrialized food
full of chemicals not nutrients
water, too
we farm diseases
sold in Styrofoam trays
wrapped in plastic

We must say “No!”
plant gardens
refuse to work long hours
in stale-air cubicles
go for walks, plant trees
stop buying, live simply
start living health-focused
lives, to care for this body
God gave us.

If God came to visit
your house, you’d want
it to be in order.
He lives within us
but how well do we
care for this house
a temple of our Lord?

One comment

  1. smart words put in a nice politically correct way. We have gotten so lazy, here in Ireland it is sad. No longer do people spend hours gardening, or take pleasure in digging up their own potatoes and picking fruit. It is no wonder obesity reigns.

    Liked by 1 person

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