Pass the Torch

Dear Friends
The time has come for me to stop writing this blog. I have lost most of my close vision and it is with great difficulty that I still post. Thank you for your many comments throughout the years, both to me and to each other. They have made the blog richer and kinder by your participation.

I will leave the blog intact with its more than 16,000 poems in the achieves. Please feel free to read them, share them, use them on your blog or in any other way you wish to share them. They are a gift to us from Source thus are available to all.

Remember that many of them have been published and are available at a low cost on under my name, Patricia Cegan. The eBook versions are sometimes offered free. Please feel free to give them as gifts to yourself or others.

If any of you wish to contact me, my email is

May God bless each of you and fill your days with love and laughter. hugs, pat



  1. Thank you Pat for all the love and time you have invested in your beautiful poems and writings and for sharing them with us and the World! The beauty of writing is that the writer’s live on to touch the heart’s and soul’s who read them. Your words will live on and on to reach the heart’s and soul of many, My Dear! A true Blessing from God!!!

    I want to thank you so much for all the many seeds of inspiration your words have brought to me and for the words and works they brought to me. God Bless you in your future endeavors and bless you with health, happiness and His Peace!!
    Love and Hugs,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Best wishes as you move forward to bigger and better endeavours. Please keep us pleebs in your memories, as we bleed over blank pages at two in the morning.

    Best of everything; Stephen. Aka Stoic Poetry.

    Liked by 1 person

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