
Throughout the day we watch fire
topple one tree after another.
I pack a small bag and prepare
to leave as the fire races down
the mountain toward my home. The
yard fills with monkeys seeking
safety–I pray the animals will
be spared.

Just as the fire reaches the
border of the sacred land, from
an almost cloudless sky drops of
rain begins to fall. Sky, empty of
rain for five months now covers
nearby floresta and my home with
protective rain mixed with
my tears of gratitude.

Do I believe in Miracles?
How can I not as I walk the
floresta this morning and
see how close the destruction
came? How Great Thou Art, oh
my Protector. How awed am I
at Your mercy?

I pass bananas to monkeys, spread
grain for birds, and watch a tiny
frog hop by. I feel so grateful
their lives have been spared.
One old woman living on the edge
of the floresta knows with
unshakable faith, the miracle of
God’s love.



  1. Since I have been gone – our area has lost over 250,000 acres to wildfires and 1500 homes … the closest was about 15 miles away, and with whipping wind that is too close to take for granted … the fires are out for now … we continue to pray for rain!! I am glad you are protected. xooxox 🙂


    • Oh, Becca, I had not heard about the fires in Texas until yesterday. The floresta in back of my house is still burning. It is heart breaking every time I hear a tree fall. One either side of me are men cutting down trees with chain saws….as if the fires are not destroying enough. Is there no end to man’s greed? The stench of fire, ears bruised with the noise of saws, eyes tearing from constant smoke….my paradise is in tatters. But my Creator continues to protect this piece of sacred land where I am living. I keep you in my heart and prayers that fire does not come near your home. This disaster so close reminds us that we are vulnerable, no matter where we live. I am happy to know that you are no longer on the road and, hopefully “safe” at home. Much love, pat


    • Thank you for inspiring me to look through my photographs and use them with my poetry. Doing so reminds me once again of what a beautiful life I have. I love your photos and poetry and visit regularly. My Internet is VERY slow so I do not always leave a comment, but your work takes my breath away. Hugs, pat


  2. What else do we have if we don’t believe in miracles. The evidence of them is all around us, in the smallest things. Nice poem.


  3. its interesting pat…we had dry lighting storms over the weekend here. I live in an area that while known for its agriculture is basicall desert. The housing developement I live in sits outside of town by about 5 miles…it never got finished because the market went belly up. we are surrounded by brush and dryness. The lightnig storms caused almost 100 fires in my area over the weekend. My house development which only has about 100 homes was literaly surrounded by fire. the fires Saturday night bordered us by no more than 2 miles in each direction….it was so scary, but as scared as I was at no point did it ever occur to me to leave. because I knew , I just knew, there was no way my house would catch fire. Just like all the other things that have happened…that you know about, I knew I would still be there in the morning.


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