Need to be Unhappy?


Do we need to be
unhappy, to suffer,
feel fearful, desperate?

Am I uncaring of the
starving children, mindless
wars, dashed dreams
because I pause to watch
the puppies nuzzle their
mother, to smell the bread
baking? Must I be miserable
until all the difficulties
of life are resolved?

Is being fully present
really indifference?
Must I be forever vigilant
of the miseries of mankind?
I think not.

I want to be so connected
with each moment that
I can even savor that
final breath, that sigh
of the soul as it completes
this cycle and moves on.

How precious is this life
rich with wonder
so holy that even the
darkest moments are
filled with the Light
of God’s Love.


  1. great post, we avoid pain too easily, even when our bodies are well, we overdose and, like the story, the boy who cried wolf, when it’s real no one listens, we live in a world, that is filled with therapists who offer instant cures for your cash, so we are programmed to avoid pain almost, imagine child birth without an ache, amen


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