Prophcey #3 — Time Jumpers

How stable is time?
Many time zones exist;
We sleep while another is awake,
One day behind, another ahead.

Is time only a construe of our minds,
or is it frequency based?
Can we expand our consciousness
into other time periods;
time jumpers, explorers, treasure hunters
adjusting their vibrational levels to move
backward and forward in time?

Many have already arrived
to share in this momentous event;
more are coming. What is the
treasure they seek?

Be aware of your value,
know that your very thoughts
are seeds the future. You are
a creator building with
the frequency of love.
We are raising the frequency from
one of fear and hate
to the ecstasy of creating
with the Divine.

The time is now. Amen!

Share your thoughts if you wish.