Am I My Brother´s Keeper?

Eyes averted, I hurry past
smells of unwashed body, puddles of vomit
dredges of booze
tracks of desparation;
he lies in doorways
of shattered dreams.

Why doesn’t someone do something?
I murmur in disgust.
It isn’t safe for a decent person
to walk the streets these days!
He moans and reaches a claw to me.
No! I’ll not give you a cent.
You’ll just use it on drugs and booze!

Tonight I sit with belly full
feet cozy, safe in my home.
Rain batters my window
and drenches this man without hope.
Did he eat today, I wonder.
Is there anyone who cares
where he is, or if he is safe?

I pace the floor,
listen to the tap-tap-tap of rain and sleet,
no longer comforted by glowing embers.
Where is he now? Why didn´t I stop,
call for help, make a difference
in one man’s life?

Am I my brother’s keeper?
I ask to justify my indifference.
Yes, you are! whispers the Voice.
You are that man,
hungry child,
battered woman in despair.
Only God’s blessing spares you
from their life of woe.

No longer do I hurry by, eyes averted.
I am their sister, mother, friend.
A cup of soup, a loving hand
that brushes their tears away.
I help as I can,
praying for each whom I meet
who needs a sister, mother or friend.


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