Am I Crazy?

If I think I am crazy,
does that mean I am not?
If I think I am not crazy,
then why do others disagree?

Is normal doing what others do?
Why is the Emperor naked?
I don´t think soldiers are heroes,
newspapers tell the truth,
Christmas is about Christ,
Crop circles should be ignored,
or that we should teach our children
that white lies are okay.

I openly declare
I see Light Beings,
travel in other dimensions,
talk to snakes,
whisper to my horse
who whispers back to me,
dance naked in the moonlight
and suspect that I am not normal.

Oh, please, dear God,
do not let them “cure” me,
lock me in hospitals for people who disagree, or
force me to silence
so they will not be uncomfortable
with my divine lunacy.

Let each of us be who we are
a little mad
or maybe very mad
at a world that tells us our realities
are not real.


  1. Is normal doing what others do? How wonderful that line is. Thank you for your wonderful meaningful insight. Sister in madness.


  2. Pat, so lonely thinking how can I live among people who think so diferent than me, the whole world looking at a diferent direction, everybody believes at what media says and see the source of hapiness on pursuing things, so sad to raise children at the present time… thanks for your poem.


    • Hi! lovely surprise to find you at my blog. This poem was a great insight for me today. The poems keep coming and keep teaching me. I agree that it is not an easy time to raise children but I am an optimist who thinks kids like Flora will the ones who make this world shift. Hugs, pat


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