Rainforest News #134

Music of our youth
Our favorite throughout life
Elvis stole our hearts!


Lies I don’t recall
I am more honest with age
Poor memory brings truth!


Hand-held Internet
Messages zoom back and forth
Sweet-smelling notes gone!


Quote of the Day

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him. ~Leo Aikman


Pat’s Ponderings

If you could ask God one question today, what will it be?


Children’s Wisdom

Our dog stole a plate of cookies off the table. Mommy brushed some crumbs off my shirt and told me to think of a better story next time.


  1. i like the songs of elvis too. i love softer songs, and songs that are easy to grasp 🙂

    its a very wise statement, i think so too now, we can know more of a person by the words he says about others.


  2. One of my aunts was broken hearted when Elvis married. She truly thought she had a chance of being with him!

    Yes, with email, the once fragranted envelopes are falling into history.
    If I could ask God a question I’d say when are you going to show us all how your vision of us was supposed to have all been, again?


  3. Elvis is one of my favorites. It’s hard for today’s kids to understand what an impact he had in the 1950’s. I have several Elvis books and have visited Graceland many times.

    The first time I went to Graceland the tour guide indicated that Elvis’s favorite music was Gospel. I thought it was a lie. I thought it was one of the things that the Elvis Machine had conjured up. After reading so many books about him I realized that he really did love Gospel and It was his favorite music. H e actually tried to revive an older Gospel stars career by having him sing backup on one of his albums. It didn’t work, his voice was failing.

    Even more important though was that Elvis reached out to another and offered a helping hand. He didn’t need to but he did. That speaks volumes on his character and kindness. Thanks. Peace be to you.


    • I loved the Gospel music of Elvis. I used to have a CD but it got lost in all my moves. I think I enjoyed his Gospel music most, although as a teen, we were all captivated by his music. I did not know about him helping others and thank you for sharing. Hugs, pat


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