
Our emotional hooks
cause an instant gut reaction
fear, anger, resentment.
When we become aware
of our hooks, we move
toward being able to
just observe them without
needing to act out
or repress these strong
feelings. “Oh, there is that feeling
of jealousy again. Isn’t that

Know your triggers–could
be a word associated with
a past hurt or fear, or
something someone does–
“I hate it when he does that!”

We all have these hooks;
how we deal with them
is our choice. If we let them
rule us, they get stronger over time,
or we can become aware of them
and choose to not
let them control our lives.


    • Gosh, Samer, next you will be sending me daisies. I have to admit when I see my mailbox full and know much of it is your responses, I am happy to see you here. Arn’te the comments people send fun and interesting to receive. I like when people share how they view a poem as it is often so different. Wish I had more time to read other people’s works as there are so many really terrific writers blogging. You are at the top of the list! I enjoy seeing your writing getting stronger with a more certain voice. Lots of wonderful thing are being sent out to the world that is in dire need of encouragement. Keep writing, Samer. Hugs, pat


  1. I like your food analogy. It is true that we tolerate much more than we need to. I also like the idea that we can step outside and watch a feeling without feeling guilty for having it. I recently saw myself feeling a bit jealous over some one’s art work. I was really surprised at myself as I do not think of me as a jealous person. Fortunately, I could just look at the feeling and watch it pass as a second thought came of how beautiful the painting was and what a lovely person the woman is who painted it. Being aware of feelings is the first step to having choices about how we want to react to them. Thanks for your visit and comments. Hugs, pat


  2. Oh how true these words are, knowing what sparks reactions in us and how to handle them is so important. Human’s are a funny species, if we have a physical reaction to a food we don’t eat it but with emotional reactions sometimes we barge on in to heck with the consequences. Some food for thought in these words. 🙂


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