1. Ah synchronicity…last night I reposted the “Appreciate…Be Grateful” image/post from this summer. That wonderful little quote from you about being grateful is in that post, too. And Dana’s words about being grateful for the kindness of strangers is there too… : ) And then, just this morning, I open your blog and what do I see?…the word grateful. : ).


    • I am convinced that gratitude is the key to learning to love unconditionally…our life lesson. We can not write too often about this, can we. Nice to see you here. Hugs, pat


  2. Where do I get them? I have the same question. They are sent to me each morning. I sit, they come, I write, often not knowing what I write as they come so fast. I have gotten from three to six or more every day for a year. I received the first batch Oct. 17 of last year. No one is more amazed than I, but I am grateful to serve as I have learned so much from them. Thanks for your visit. Hugs for you and your Prince, pat


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