Stewards of the Earth

Stewards of the Earth, wake up!
The Earth is our gift, to be treated with care.
Each of us is responsible for where we live.
Stewards of the earth (that’s you!) wake up!
Join hands across the world.
Stop wars, drugs, destruction of our Earth.
Stewards of the Earth, wake up!
The Earth is our gift, to be treated with care.


  1. Oh Pat, this is BEAUTIFUL! Indeed, we are the stewards of the Earth. At the moment, we aren’t very good ones. Wake up is a perfect call. Your writing is superb! ♥️


    • There is much each of us can do right where we live to help people be more aware of the need to take care of our beautiful world. We can start in our own home, our circle of contacts, schools, community, etc. however one feels led. At all helps to restore a world gone mad. hugs, pat


  2. the vineyard owner might get seriously pissed off, fine words, be blessed, amen, where is all the clean water gone, the oceans, what, feeding children porn, what’s this, i thought they were going to fix the place, jeepers, imagine the reaction, and the flow of excuses, interesting times…


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