1000 Reasons To Be Grateful

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Truly gratitude is a transformer in our lives. The more I cultivate it, the more joy and serenity I find in my life. Here is a list of 1000 things for which I am grateful. Enjoy this list then start your own. Add five things each day never repeating one. I promise you that doing so will change how you see your world.

1. fresh breezes smelling of loamy ground after a gentle rain
2. little girl giggles that remind me to smile
3. sweet smell of puppies
4. ants marching in a row carrying leaves above their heads
5. raindrops that wash away tears
6. lilacs in the wind
7. friends who make me laugh
8. sweet potato pie with a hint of lemon
9. old men with hairy ears
10. red berries hidden beneath shiny green leaves
11. sweet memories of days gone by
12. mushroom prints that I make during rainy season
13. friends who call just to see how I am
14. walks in the floresta
15. page-turner books cozy quilt on a cold night
16. hic-ups from laughter
17. warm feet next to my cold feet
18. snooze alarms on cold mornings
19. spring water from a house faucet
20. little girls doing cartwheels
21. tadpoles changing
22. rain while the sun is shining
23. walking the beach at sunset
24. Grandmother’s pecan pie
25. books with woman heroes
26. blowing soap bubbles
27. coloring with my grandchildren
28. silly songs I sing for the children
29. birds taking baths in puddles
30. good books with sequels
31. reunions with old friends
32. poetry that lifts my soul
33. fragrance of fresh cut grass
34. grandmother’s rocking chair
35. kitty purrs
36. car with good gas mileage
37. spring tulips dotting my heart with color
38. socially acceptable burps and farts
39. belly laughter
40. old age’s patience
41. summer storm that cools the air
42. tea made from mint and lemongrass in the garden
43. people who read my poetry and leave me sweet notes
44. friends who see past my faults
45. clouds stripped with rainbows
46. God’s grace sprinkled throughout my life
47. sweet moments cuddled with my dog before I start my day
48. hearty soup on a winter night
49. images found in burning wood
50. the ability to laugh at my shortcomings
51. frogs croaking making night music
52. spring water straight from the ground
53. story time with grandchildren
54. rocking chairs keeping time to our stories
55. tea made with lemon grass from the garden
56. baby’s first tooth
57. tiger eye marble
58. the chance to say “I’m sorry”
59. toddler’s delight in his rocking horse
60. mouse carrying her babies to safety
61. tiny hummingbird nest
62. sleepover parties
63. giggles all night
64. roasting marsh mellows over a fire
65. combined nursing homes and kids daycare
66. being blessed by a beggar
67. short sermons
68. emerging butterfly
69. large print books
70. young people offering seats to elderly
71. falling stars
72. church bells
73. concerts in the park
74. little girl ballerinas
75. boys with frogs in their pockets
76. white pebbles with silver glitter
77. jazz under the stars
78. singing in the shower
79. cold dark water creeks
80. cane fishing poles
81. going back to bed for a few minutes
82. licking beaters with chocolate icing
83. whispering secrets to a best friend
84. pajama parties
85. able to laugh at me
86. full moon splendor
87. falling stars
88. other people’s babies
89. playing piano in church
90. whistling a happy tune
91. coffee at sunrise
92. giraffes and avocado seeds
93. rosy cheeks in the winter
94. frosting covered beaters
95. handwritten letters
96. meeting people around the world
97. stories with happy endings
98. early morning sunbeams
99. beach breezes
100. puppies chasing soap bubbles
101. libraries, stores, thrift shops, yard sales, Internet full of books to read
102. 100 kinds of shampoo and soap…didn’t know I needed so many
103. long walks on the beach wondering why tattoos are everywhere
104. lips without rings in them…doesn’t that hurt when you kiss?
105. magic machines that give me money when I stick a red card in them
106. chocolate frosting bowl and beaters to lick
107. handwritten letter from a friend
108. babies blowing spit bubbles
109. friends who don’t remember my stories
110. another day to be grateful
111. friends that make me laugh
112. hand-cranked ice cream
113. daisies that always say “love me”
114. roadside wildflowers
115. delicious smells coming from a bakery
116. warm socks when my feet are cold
117. summer rain that cools the afternoon
118. summer tomatoes eaten in the garden
119. people who smile at me when they pass me
120. not having to wake up to an alarm clock
121. little flowers that grow in unexpected places
122. fireworks displays that don’t make noise and scare animals
123. to still have my teeth at 73 🙂
124. clothes that don’t squeeze or pinch
125. friends that call me for no special reason
126. my pen pal on Death Row who has taught me gratitude for tiny things I take for granted
127. internet friends that open the world to me
128. YouTube courses on almost everything
129. that my vision is still good enough to read
130. I am grateful for gratitude lists
131. friends who inspire me to be a better person
132. days when I can accept where I am and not need to try to be “better”
133. red balloons floating across the sky
134. staying up too late reading a good book
135. a friend who forgives me when I am being unreasonable
136. grief that reminds me that I have loved
137. sweet memories that pop up just when I need them most
138. when I wake up feeling peaceful after a time of sadness
139. a chance to try again
140. friends who remind me of my worth
141. sunset romps with our dogs
142. contagious laughter
143. grandbabies whose mother takes them back when they are crying
144. childhood taffy pulls at Halloween
145. times when I cry and laugh at the same time
146. puddles to splash in
147. jasmine on night breezes
148. flowers that bloom only at night
149. rocking my cat
150. plentiful food my whole life
151. meteor showers on a clear night
152. moon cycles
153. baby birds flapping their wings
154. poems that make me think
155. completing another book of poetry
156. not having to shave my legs or armpits any more
157. being able to disconnect from others’ dramas
159. small stores where I don’t have to walk so far
160. polite people
161. my mother teaching me the value of good grammar
162. that which guides me within
163. my dog’s nonjudgment
164. color in my world
165. classical music that makes me cry with its beauty
166. beggars who teach me generosity and compassion
167. courage and faith to just keep trying
168. poor memory that makes me forget another’s mistakes
169. self-forgiveness
170. decreasing need for perfection
171. lessons that remind me to turn to our Creator
172. quiet days of reflection
173. being able to enjoy a groups laughter even when I cannot hear what they are saying
174. cardinal on the window sill looking at me watching him
175. kind neighbor who mows our yard every week, for free
176. free library after years living where there were no libraries
177. books that make stay up late reading them
178. strawberry season
179. cat that likes to sleep in my lap
180. home delivery mail
181. having friends of all ages
182. summer rain for an afternoon nap
183. warm socks when my feet are cold
184. the feeling I have when I first lie down at night
185. alarm clocks that wake me up gently
186. when I wake up without needing an alarm clock
187. Internet friendships around the world
188. finding a great bargain
189. watching God’s grace work in my life
190. music so beautiful it makes me cry
191. feeling great after exercising
192. pink clouds in the morning
193. baby birds in the eves of the house
194. sweet summer corn
195. making this list
196. fresh summer corn so sweet and beautiful
197. friends with a good sense of humor
198. my new piano…have missed having an instrument since I returned
199. sitting on the beach reading a good book
200. internet friends who do not care if my thighs are flabby 🙂
201. books, books, books
202. another day to try again
203. mistakes that contain opportunities to learn
204. hot shower that always works
205. parks with places to walk, run, ride a bike
*206. gratitude list which reminds me to be grateful
207. stars, stars, stars…reminding me of the greatness of our Creator
208. birds eating sunflower seeds at my window feeders
209. honest people
210. full moon that turns the forest silver
211. grateful that I can pray for and receive faith, strength, compassion
212. for the ability to cry openly and without shame or embarrassment
213. Halloween pumpkins carved, lit with a candle, a charming tradition
214. my silver hair, a merit badge of age
215. wrinkles that are road maps of life’s adventures
216. big mamma spider full of babies living on my window
217. my pen pal on Death Row, he makes me realize how much I take for granted
218. showers full of rainbows
219. tree filled with plums in our yard; I didn’t know what it was
220. free time to enjoy all I love to do
221. exercise that strengthens my body and keeps me flexible
222. a good attitude toward life, a quiet joy within that nothing can steal
223. a feather in my path which means God’s happy with my life (American Indian saying)
224. snail on my doorway reminding me to take life easy
225. piano scales that make my hands stronger and work as a meditation for me
226. more patience when I have lost mine
227. a night of peaceful sleep
228. free international calling to keep me in contact with friends around the world
229. frozen yogurt…mmmmmmm…
230. birds on our bird feeders
231. a chance to try again and again
232. forgiveness, mine and God’s
233. change, an opportunity to grow
234. gratitude lists which make me pay attention
235. gray days turning to sunshine
236. grateful to not need to be like others
237. to be 73 instead of 17
238. to laugh at my errors
239. to be old enough that sneezes, farts, burps don’t matter
240. laugh at social norms
241. birthday celebrations…mine and others
242. change just when I think I can’t stand something any more
243. an opportunity to play a grand piano today
244. fairies disguised as fireflies
245. good sense of humor
246. campfire on a cold night
247. cat that purrs in my lap
248. opportunity to try again when I fail
249. fuzzy socks
250. friends who like me even when I am not likable
251. sane moments in an insane world
252. transportation to where I want to go
253. sunny days, rainy days
254. cheerful people
255. sense of smell: puppies, jasmine, bread baking
256. today I am grateful for so many things to be grateful for
257. people who love me
258. people who do not love me for they teach me patience
259. little children–other peoples’
260. when pumpkin season is over
261. a special day once a year to be thankful
262. people who encourage me to keep exercising
263. a walk at sunset
264. a walk at sunrise
265. finding a whole worm in my apple instead of half
266. holiday leftovers and no cooking the next day
267. warm house when there is frost on the grown
268. knowing that no one can really disrespect me except me
269. whistling a happy tune until I am happy again
270. old musical movies
271. blowing soap bubbles
272. being able to put my hands flat on the floor
273. not being in a hurry anymore
274. empty beaches
275. being able to always wear comfortable shoes
276. lovely comments from people who visit this blog
277. children who have been taught to respect their elders
278. larger hula hoops for big hips
279. forests made from bodies buried with a tree on top
280. children who visit nursing homes at Christmas
281. vision for this past year
282. times when I am able to be quiet and give my unwanted opinion
283. patient friends who love me even when I am not so lovable
284. internet friends from around the world who show me there are many ways to look at everything
285. pine forest in front of our home
286. Serenity Prayer to remind me to accept what I can’t change
287. chance to try again if I don’t get it right
288. clear direction from God when I am not sure what to do
289. comfort foods
290. fireplaces
291. Umbrellas that work when you need them
292. sandal weather
293. bees that pollinate our flowers and foods
294. bees that make honey
295. honey in my tea
296. people who still hand write letters
297. reusable grocery bags
298. people who make environmental friendly things to replace plastic goods
299. unconditional love that animals give us
300. peanut butter and chocolate anything
301. warm socks when my feet are cold
302. instruments with which to make music
303. friends who still hand write letters
304. forks instead of chopsticks
305. clouds that look like animals
306. free books
307. e-books that allow me to enlarge the print
308. walks in the floresta by moonlight
309. people who forgive
310. patient people who graciously repeat when I didn’t hear them
311. New Year’s Day with its new beginnings
312. people who keep their word
313. people who are punctual
314. my mother teaching me good table manners
315. showers that never run out of hot water
316. dryers on rainy days
317. winter where sweaters are enough
318. singing a cantata with a beautiful orchestra
319. unity with diversity
320. people who are nonjudgmental
321. pizza, pizza, pizza
322. old movies, especially musicals
323. sweet moments I suddenly remember for no reason
324. another birthday soon approaching
325. rain on tin roofs
326. old Christmas movies filled with good memories
327. friends from around the world
328. my dog’s kisses that wake me up instead of an alarm clock
329. free phone calls that help me stay in touch with friends and family
330. electronic books that enlarge print so I can still read
331. traditions that keep me connected to others
332. buds on trees long before it is time for them to open
332. winter rain instead of snow
333. people who laugh at my jokes
334. people who leave sweet and interesting comments on my blog
335. reasons to laugh
316. reasons to cry
337. angels, mermaids, rainbows
338. poets and songwriters
339. live theater
340. classical music readily available
341. end of the year celebrations
342. a year’s worth of tough lessons
343. for people who open doors for me
344. respectful teenagers
345. short winters
346. discernment in choosing who I want to be with
347. snowed in days to be at leisure
348. friends from around the world
349. tiny birds at my window
350. cats that purr
351. the ability to be alone comfortably
352. tiny buds on trees reminding me that spring will come
353. spring seed catalogs
354. hot showers with lilac soaps
350. e-book readers that enlarge the print
351. cuddly dogs
352. granola when I don’t feel like cooking
353. losing weight when I didn’t try and am not sick
354. a well-tuned piano
355. sheets dried on a breezy summer day
356. I do not have to respond to unjust comments
357. God always attends to my needs
358. I can ask for faith
359. life is not fair, or maybe I have not learned to see God’s justice
360. I am grateful even when I can’t think of something to be grateful for right now
361. laughter, tears, ups, and downs
362. spring water to drink with no chemicals added
363. spiritual healing
364. love eternal
365. watching my dog eat peanut butter–always makes me laugh
366. smell of the ocean
367. people helping people
368. opportunities to learn something new
369. lots of books to read
370. finding my grandmother’s recipe
371. tolerance for other people’s beliefs
372. less self-righteousness
373. pizza, pizza, pizza, oh, did I mention pizza?
374. death…the idea of living on earth forever is terrifying
375. things that make me laugh
376. friends across the ocean that I’ve never seen
377. fluffy dogs
378. bargains
379. the ability to live simply
380. food that isn’t “diet friendly”
381. campfires
382. playing in clear streams
383. seeing a new bird
384. good customer service
385. church bells
386. the silence at the end of the symphony before people clap
387. A & W Root-beer Floats when I was young
388. friends who can keep secrets
389. first cup of coffee in the morning
400. feeling better after exercise
401. growing trust in my intuitive guidance
402. this body which our Creator gave me
403. my creativity
404. my courage to try new things
405. I am grateful for love, love, love
406. animals that teach us how to love
407. warm socks when my feet are cold
408. my toothbrush, toothpaste, and better breath afterward
409. sleep that heals hurt feelings
410. laughter that forgives
411. kindness…mine and others
412. freedom from envy
413. judgment changed to compassion
414. sharing a creative time with a friend
415. new lessons every day
416. dogs that make me laugh
417. wise things children say
418. getting to sound like my grandmother
419. candles that smell good
420. deer tracks in the yard
421. Valentine’s Day…a special day to tell someone you love them
422. clean water without chemicals added
423. new earth-friendly substitutes for plastic
424. silence
425. serenity
426. Sometimes I feel grateful after a sad time just to feel hope again.
426. loyal friends who listen far beyond their allotted time
427. the ability to let go and be silly sometimes
428. I am, you are, we are…which is lovely
429. doggies who teach me how to love and play
430. loyalty…so few really understand its power, its love
431. acceptance, faith that all will turn out well
432. people who show me it is okay to make mistakes
433. grateful to always be learning new things
434. trees covered in flowers in the spring
435. spring coming early
436. robins announcing spring
447. baking homemade bread fragrance in the house
448. friends who listen to my woes
449. dentists who make the pain go away
450. laughter that bubbles up again and again
451. babies crawling faster than I can run making me laugh
452. a written apology and bouquet of roses
453. self-publishing companies that make it easy to publish books
454. cereal when I don’t feel like cooking
455. longer hours of daylight
456. volunteer opportunities
457. my God within
458. doggie kisses…but not in the mouth
459. full moon turning night to silver
460. people who read this blog
461. grateful to groups who provide food for the needy
462. down comforters and pillows
463. polite people
464. people who pass me on the street and smile
465. umbrellas that don’t turn inside out in the wind
466. seeing the absurdities of life
467. laughter
468. tears
469. feeding the hungry
470. I am grateful for feeling gratitude
471. learning about other beliefs and not trying to change their minds
472. believing in a God of love
473. raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens
474. Ma and Pa Kettle movies of my childhood
475. helium balloons that float high in the sky
476. people who give me their seat on the bus
477. cars that stop so I can cross the road to get my mail
478. geese flying in formation against a deep blue sky
479. self-cleaning ovens
480. sharp knives
481. caring neighbors
482. junk food
483. healthy food
484. storytellers
485. people with a sense of humor
486. giggles that won’t stop
487. page-turner books
488. weeks filled with things I like to do
489. new foods to try
500. our loving Creator
501. grateful for my mission and when that is finished, another one
502. doggie cuddles in the night
503. cold days with sunny skies and the promise of spring
504.two people who said they liked my smile on the same day
505. peanut butter and jelly
506. hope
507. those things that cause me to turn to our Creator
508. blowing soap bubbles
509. waking up New Year’s Day, feeling great and knowing others don’t
510. meandering
511. raking leaves and someone picking them up
512. people who laugh at my jokes
513. girl talk sprinkled with laughter
514. people who know how to forgive
515. self-cleaning ovens
516. being free to be me
517. spontaneous plans that turn out fun
518. my dogs playing together instead of with me
519. moats floating on sunbeams shining through the window
520. sunny days, rainy days, foggy days, but not snowy days
521. webs covered with sparkling dew drops
522, patient friends
523. annoying things that teach me patience
524. bad knees that make me walk slower and notice more
525. my curiosity that keeps life interesting
526. bad situations that turned out to be good
527. fields of daisies
528. faith which expands with use
529. new friends
530. sunshine on picnic days
531. to be able cry freely
532. want to smile while exercising
533. to see the humor of watching the Food Channel on the treadmill
534. hic-ups from laughing
535. puppies that run in their sleep
536. service dogs
537. butterflies on flowers
538. kaleidoscopes
539. rainbows on summer days
540. young people who give me their seats
541. grateful that I love to learn
542. for the voice within that guides me
543. for an alarm clock that kisses me away, then asks to go out
544. diets that start tomorrow
545. warm house on cold days
546. sincere people
547. my commitment to tell the truth
548. the blessings of sharing
549. peaceful days
550. an attitude of gratitude
551. the smell of orange blossoms on a summer eve
552. people who help me see the lovely qualities I often miss in me
553. forever friends
554. that which makes me doubt, question, not accept everything I am told
555. change that takes away sorrows, reminding me of the good
556. I am grateful for all that God provides me even in my darkest hour
557. for co-incidences, serendipity, and plainly God’s help
558. laughter, love and light throughout my day
559. the love of walking and discovering all the little gifts God leaves along my path
550. I am grateful for YOU if you have read this far
551. sweet smelling, high lather shampoo
552. classical guitar music…so joyous
553. friends who love me even when I am sitting on the pitypot
554. scrambled eggs at night
555. surprise rainbows
556. options
557. freedom to choose
558. tears that change to laughter
559. childhood favorite foods
560. quiet days with no plans
561. new beginnings
562. hope
563. faith
564. new friends
565. people I can trust
566. falling star wishes
567. kitten purrs
568. puppy snuggles
569. the day holidays end
570. going on vacation
571. coming home from vacation
572. public transportation
573. drinking mountain stream pure water
574. US National Parks
575. teens who grow up to be nice people
576. making quilts from fabric scraps
577. technology to harvest energy from ocean waves
578. tiny houses
579. guavas without worms
580. walks in the warm summer rain
581. lightening displays across the sky
582. people who ignore fashion
583. being over the “what will the neighbors think” mentality
584. knowing how to say “no” without feeling a need to explain
585. still being curious
586. not feeling a need to participate in other people’s dramas
587. my love of reading, a gift from my mother
588. good magazines in the dentist’s office
589. people who wave or speak to me on my walks
590. the young woman who cleaned my windows
591. friends who laugh at my jokes they already heard
592. covered dish dinners
593. trips to the library
594. dreams that make me wake up laughing
595. puppy kisses instead of an alarm clock
596. happy songs
597. butterfly kisses
598. breezes of jasmine
599. laughter
600. breakfast at night
601. poems that come every day
602. fresh washed laundry
603. friendly neighbors
604. old friends who keep in touch
605. puppy kisses instead of an alarm clock
606. people who read this far in this list 🙂
607. a sunny day after days of rain
608. a multi-culture neighborhood
609. bunny rabbit that hopped in front of me in the city
610. cars that stop to let me finish crossing the street
611. sweet freshness of the air after a summer rain
612. smell of fresh cut grass
613. finishing a job I didn’t want to do
614. friends who never say, “I told you so”
615. people who don’t try to make me feel guilty
616. friends who laugh at jokes I’ve told before
617. gratitude lists that make me remember to be grateful
618. to not be a slave of fashion anymore
619. learning how to laugh at me
620. not feeling a need to explain a “no”
621. fans on hot days
622. friendly mailman
623. neighborhood store with international foods
624. neighborhood with international residents
625. summer storms that cool the temperature and lower the humidity afterward
626. strangers who smile when we pass
627. the dependability of nature
628. the undependability of nature
629. sales on items I want to buy
630. fitting into clothes that used to be too small
631. mockingbirds that sing along my early morning walks
632. a bargain of something I really need
633. getting a handwritten letter
634. a day spent reading a good book
635. courteous teenagers
636. silent fireworks that don’t scare animals and veterans
637. people who forgive
638. tears
639. laughter
640. light shining through a cloud
641. classical music on a rainy day
642. clothes cleaned, ironed and put away
643. clean sheets on the bed
644. noiseless fireworks that don’t scare animals or veterans
645. books that are good to the end
646. people who help me believe in myself
647. the day I wake up ready to start my diet
648. the feeling of being protected
649. wake up to find my cold is gone
650. new opportunities
651. books in large print
652. piano tuners who leave my piano sounding wonderful
653. God’s forgiveness
654. library across the street from my house
655. freedom to make my own choices
656. the gift of listening to someone who needed to talk
657. cool day in the middle of a heat wave
658. feeling like I am doing a good deed if I choose to eat salad instead
659. I am grateful for a God who loves all
660. fly swatters on summer days
661. cozy bed at the end of a busy day
662. good teamwork making a hard task fun and easy
663. people who care
664. new friends
665. old friends
666. grateful to learn to walk away from a toxic relationship
667. to have eyesight one more day
668. grateful for hugs
669. reliable electricity
670. everyday food on my table when so many go hungry
671. bathroom when I need it
672. good medical care
673. chance to help others
674. my creativity
676. the creativity of others
677. food I can eat before I start my diet
678. people who laugh at my attempts at humor
679. end of the day when I sit down, pick up my book and say, ahhhhh
680. when my dog surprises me and does what I asked him to do
681. the many variations of nature
682. the exuberance of kids
683. my sense of smell
684. my ever young soul
685. birds on my windowsill
686. waking up to find rain-washed trees
687. people who remember how to be playful
688. the honesty of children
689. my eyesight
690. a second chance
691. little girls jumping rope and chanting
692. old men playing checkers in the park
693. rose petals drifting down the river
694. diving into a cold creek on a summer day
695. corn eaten minutes after it was picked
696. piano full of wonderful music waiting to be released
696. water clean enough to drink in a mountain stream
697. children singing
698. finally being able to cry
699. naps in hammocks
700. remembering a lost memory
701. summer peaches
702. my mother for all the ways she showed us her love
703. trees: to climb, to sit beneath, to see them sway in a summer breeze
704. squirrel that teases my dog and makes me laugh
705. last cookie before I start a diet
706. a dish of chicken and dumplings someone gave me (so much for the diet)
707. books, books, did I mention books?
708. my love of life
709. rain that stops before I have to leave my house
710. summer fruits
711. calls from friends
712. free libraries
713. covered bus stops
714. handicapped bathrooms
715. respectful teens
716. money left over at the end of the month
717. people who forgive me
718. God who forgives me
719. sunrise walks after a rain
720. being able to remember someone’s name when I need to
721. learning something new
722. relief at remembering something I need to remember
723. cookies I didn’t eat
724. old songs that trigger sweet memories
725. campfires on cold nights
726. strong constitution
727. my determination to try again
728. laughter and tears
729. licking the frosting beater when I was a kid
730. finding something I lost
731. a friend who never tells me he has heard my story or joke
732. little flashlights on keychains
733. when my dog doesn’t jump on me when I open the door
734. remembering something I been trying to remember
735. finding my grandmother’s secret pecan pie on the Karo Syrup bottle
736. nurses who care
737. being able to walk away when I need to
738. being able to love unlovable people
739. being able to ask God to love them when I can’t for now
740. another day of rain instead of snow
741. ever-changing beautiful cloud formations
742. lovely, dependable moon cycles
743. antics of animals that make me laugh
744. antics of people that make me laugh
745. people who are patient with me
746. another day to try again
747. people who give the gift of listening
748. other people’s babies
749. time to read as much as I want
750. people reflecting things I don’t like about myself
751. seasons changing just about the time I got tired of the last one
752. learning something new
753. gratitude lists
754. seeing someone with eyes of compassion
755. large print books
756. people who care
757. babies blowing bubbles
758. teachers
759. ah-ha moments
800. to learn I can choose how I want to feel
801. neighbors helping each other as we prepare for Hurricane Florence
802. lots of food and water for use during the hurricane and after
803. gratitude lists which remind me how blessed I am
804. people who are kind to strangers, old people, animals
805. faith and the Grace that provides it
806. neighbors helping each other during the hurricane
807. smell of fresh bread baking
808. a sweet memory at just the right moment
809. people who keep their word
810. this gratitude list
811. I can walk when many cannot
812. I am free when many are not
813. I have faith when many do not
814. I have serenity when many do not
815. morning fog painting other world images
816. chances to be a channel for the Light
817. the constant protection that I see in my life
818. receiving faith when I ask for it
819. the abundance in my life of love and the opportunity to serve
820. good people making a difference in the world, even in tiny ways
821. hard lessons offering much to learn
822. people who help during a crisis
823. sweater weather after a hot summer
824. generous people
825. books that don’t have sequels for the story to make sense
826. autumn moons
827. people who hold doors open for me
828. crockpot dinners ready when I get home
829. people who do good deeds without being asked
900. pumpkins everywhere in the fall
901. surgeon who did a beautiful job on my knee
902. loving nursing staff
903. a healthy body that heals quickly
904. a joy of life that many people do not have
905. rain when everyone else is getting snow
906. faith is renewable
907. bad haircuts grow out
908. we can learn from our mistakes
909. crying babies eventually go to sleep
910. cake that turned out perfect
911. nice neighbors
912. warm socks
913. change of seasons
914. feeling excited about life
915. always having new things to learn
916. unexpected company whom I like
917. tea on a cold afternoon
918. favorite books that have series
919. feeling grateful during hard times, too
920. feeling shifts in my understanding of my spirituality
921. gratitude lists that make me stop and notice
922. cold weather soups and warm weather sandals
923. walks in warm rain
924. smell of jasmine in the night
925. pizza anytime
926. comfort from prayer
927. free concerts
928. friends who inspire me
929. hard times with lessons
930. unending love of our Creator
931. pain that teaches
932. aggravating people who teach me patience
933. unending lists of gratitude
934. plants that heal
935. these final years of life
936. soft classical music
938. generous friends
940. opportunities to help others
941. no line in the bathroom
942. childhood campfire songs
943. snow melting the same day
944. patient friends when I am blue
945. children I don’t know who wave to me
946. spring, spring, spring: daffodils, warm–not hot weather
947. singing in choirs
948. my faith in our Creator
949. cars that stop and let me cross the street safely
950. gratitude lists that remind me of my blessings
951. red moons on the spring solstice
952. friends who can forgive each other
954. laughter when crying
955. new recipes that turn out delicious
956. finding an exciting new book
957. new shoes
958. successful dieting
950. puppy kisses to wake me up instead of an alarm
951. when I have the courage to stick to a boundary
952. daffodils when I tire of winter
953. live music
954. faith that grows stronger with time
955. radio without commercials
956. people who pick up after their dogs
957. stores that cater to older women
958. bees that make honey
959. waves on the beach
960. freedoms enjoyed in our country
961. stories that make me laugh
962. people who tell the truth
963. children who remind me to play
964. nights without waking up
965. public libraries when many countries do not have them
966. bus drivers who help me find my way
967. oldies stations on the radio
968. gentle warm spring rain
969. vivid spring greens
970. dogwood trees so lacy and delicate
971. good vision
972. my own teeth
973. good news instead of bad
974. steeples around town
975. funny animal stories on social media
976. healthy humor
977. perfect spring days
978. beach days
979. finding a treasure at a tag sale
980. making up with friends
981. daisies on the table
982. friends who give me rides
983. shoes that don’t hurt my feet
984. curly hair
985. live musical performances
986. combination locks that are easy to open
987. first robins of spring
988. feeling fear change to faith
989. three-word power prayers
990. taffy pull memories of childhood
991. mirrors that lie
992. clothes that finally fit again
993. open windows letting in fresh air
994. things I finally remember
995. historical fiction
996. translation programs that help me communicate with people around the world
997. spots that come out in the wash
998. new recipes that come out well
999. baby birds with open mouths
1000. all of you who read the list to the end


  1. Thank you, Pat. You are right – gratitude is the key to serenity. And Karen Drucker was the first New Thought artist I was introduced to in 2010. I am grateful for the abundance of music that has kept me going through the years! Hugs! Crystal


    • Just heard my first music by Karen Drucker. I was out of the country for 14 years doing volunteer work and had never heard her. Love what I heard and will explore more of her music. Music is a big part of my life and agree that it is healing and inspiring. Thanks for sharing her with me. I am in the process of publishing a book of poetry featuring this list of reasons to be happy as well as a collection of poems about gratitude taken from the archives of this blog. Hugs, pat


  2. WOW!! What an amazing post! I enjoy and am thankful for a lot of the same things you are, but have never written it down or even articulated it. What an awesome idea. Everyone can and should be more thankful in their lives, even for the seemingly little things, Thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I kept a gratitude journal for a year. Every day I wrote five things for which I am grateful. Doing so changed my life, making me so aware of all these blessings we take for granted. Try it yourself, don’t repeat any for there are plenty if we just watch for them. hugs, pat

      Liked by 1 person

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